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[[Santoso Proposal|Final Project : Mariska Santoso]]
[[Santoso Proposal|Proposal]]

Revision as of 17:51, 12 November 2009



A1-1 Draw three lines. [1]

A1-2 Draw five lines. [2]

A1-3 Draw three ellipses. [3]

A1-4 Control the position of two lines with one variable. [4]

A1-5 Control the position and size of two lines with two variables. [5]

A1-6 Control the properties of two shapes with two variables. [6]

A1-7 Create a simple, regular pattern with six lines. [7]

A1-8 Program your pattern from Assignment 1-07 using while(). [8]

A1-9 Draw a layered form with two new loops. [9]

A1-10 Redo Assignment 1-05 using mouseX and mouseY as the variables. [10]

A1-11 Draw two visual elements that each move in relation to the mouse in a different way. [11]

A1-12 Draw three visual elements that each move in relation to the mouse in a different way. [12]

A1-13 Move a visual element across the screen. When it disappears off the edge, move it back into the frame. [13]

A1-14 Draw a visual element that moves in relation to the mouse, but with a different relation when the mouse is pressed. [14]

A1-15 Using if and else, make the mouse perform different actions when in different parts of the window. [15]

A1-16 Develop a kinetic image which responds to the mouse. [16]


A2-01 Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with five or more vertices. [17]

A2-02 Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with ten or more vertices. [18]

A2-03 Create an image different from A2-02, but using the same vertex data. [19]

A2-04 Write a function with one parameter and demonstrate it visually. [20]

A2-05 Write a function for drawing triangles and visually demonstrate its flexibility. [21]

A2-06 Write a function with three or more parameters and visually demonstrate its flexibility. [22]

A2-07 Create a dynamic animation using the cos() function as a generator for motion. [23]

A2-08 Create a dynamic animation using the cos() and sin() function as a generator for motion. [24]

A2-09 Move two visual elements across the screen using the random() function as a generator of movement. Give each element a unique nonlinear motion. [25]

A2-10 Create an event that begins when the mouse is pressed and ends when the mouse is released. [26]

A2-11 Create a responsive image that behaves differently when the mouse is moving and the mouse is dragging. [27]

A2-12 Create a button that changes the color of the background when it is clicked. [28]

A2-13 Program your moving elements from A2-09 but use classes to represent the two visual elements. [29]

A2-14 Create a subclass of one of the asteroids classes that adds a new capability. [30]


A3-1 Mosaic method --> drawing an image with several different block size [31]

A3-2 kinetic text [32]


A4 widgets [33]



A non-traditional way to display the progress of time. [34]

TWO : Graphical Interface - drawing tool


I plan to create a basic drawing tool for learning shapes and colors. The project will have 12 color buttons and 6 shape buttons. Users can determine what shape and color they want to draw. Although users can't determine the width and height of the object, they can scale the object, either a bigger or smaller object.

Artifact: [35]

