John Wang

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Revision as of 06:28, 17 October 2009 by Johnwang (talk | contribs) (Project 2)
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Assignment 1

Assignment 2

  • [1]Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with five or more vertices.
  • [2]Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with ten or more vertices.
  • [3]Create an image different from A2-02, but using the same vertex data.
  • [4]Write a function with one parameter and demonstrate it visually.
  • [5]Write a function for drawing triangles and visually demonstrate its flexibility.
  • [6]Write a function with three or more parameters and visually demonstrate its flexibility.
  • [7]Create a dynamic animation using the cos() function as a generator for motion.
  • [8]Create a dynamic animation using the cos() and sin() function as a generator for motion.
  • [9]Move two visual elements across the screen using the random() function as a generator of movement. Give each element a unique nonlinear motion.
  • [10]Create an event that begins when the mouse is pressed and ends when the mouse is released.
  • [11]Create a responsive image that behaves differently when the mouse is moving and the mouse is dragging.
  • [12]Create a button that changes the color of the background when it is clicked.
  • [13]Program your moving elements from A2-09 but use classes to represent the two visual elements.
A2-01 thru A2-13 Due: Tuesday October 6
  • [14]Create a subclass of one of the asteroids classes that adds a new capability. Some examples of what you could do: create a subclass of Rocket (or ArmedRocket) that shoots flame when the thrusters are fired and/or plays a sound when thrusters are fired, create a subclass of Asteroid that know when it's been hit (instead of doing this test in loop()), create a subclass of Asteroid that splits into two smaller Asteroids when it's hit.
A2-14 Due: Thursday October 8

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Assignment 6


=== Project 1 === Display the progress of time in a non-traditional way

=== Project 2 === What graphical tools would you creates? Part 1: Proposal

The aim of this project is to create drawing tools based on physical movement in order to explore the balance between person and tools. I would to utilize movement and gesture of hand to create visual images by webcam. Before next Thursday I would like to found out how to use webcam as a receiver. The outcome of this project will including 3 types of hand gesture that manipulate different functions of graphic tools. Creating images such as line drawings, geometry shapes and animation.

At moment I am looking into webcamXtra in processing library. Personally I am very interested in creating drawing tool with physical movement and sound. Here is a references work that might relate the further research.