Matt Rosen

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Assignment 1

Project 1

A simple "digital/analog" clock using three coloured arcs and numerical time. The hour arc changes colour at noon and midnight. I also added a slight irregular flicker in the center of the clock, generated from even-numbered milliseconds.

Assignment 2

  • A2_14 - Asteroids game modified to include colour change and sound effects for thrusters and missile fire.

Project 2

Part 1: Proposal

I would like to create an audio sample-playback interface based loosely on the design of the Akai MPC, which has been an essential tool in the production and performance of electronic music and hip-hop since the late 1980s. The basic structure of the machine is simple: a 4 x 4 grid of square pads which each triggers a different sound sample (traditionally drum sounds). To one side of the grid, a single slider and single rotary encoder are used for data entry and control of various parameters.

A true MPC design would also include a number of data entry buttons, a keypad and some sort of visual display (usually a small LED screen). In this case, I will focus on the essential and iconic elements of the design: the pads and slider.

For the purposes of this assignment, I will make the square pads triggered by mouse-click, and assign just one click-and-drag parameter to the slider (most likely volume, in the interest of simplicity). Audio playback will be implemented using the Minim Library.

It is my hope to develop this concept further for my final Project, as well.

Part 2:

This interface is an ongoing work in progress. The concept will be developed further for IAT-800 Final Project

Assignment 3

  • A3_01 - Create a subclass of PImage that implements a mosaic( int blockSize ) method.
  • A3_02 - Write a small app that demonstrates kinetic text.

Assignment 4 (Widgets)

  • A4 - Use a "widget set" to add control to Project 2