Project #3
Part 1
Title: Basic Financial Grapher
Description: I will be creating a 2-dimensional financial plotter, which plots the price history of a specified stock symbol. In addition, the graph will contain a sub-graph in the form of a bar-chart, which presents to the user stock volume data. User's will be able to add typically used technical indicator overlays such as fast/slow stochastic oscillators or upper/lower bollinger bands.
Purpose: This basic financial grapher component will be implemented in a larger software system called Koios, which integrates various financial analysis techniques into one software package.
Technical Details: The basic grapher will be developed using the Eclipse integrated development environment. It will employ the Processing wrapper and libraries such as the ControlP5 library and standard Swing libraries.
Assignment #4
For some reason, this application keeps outputting the following error when run from an Applet:
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: controlP5/ControlP5
at A4_01.setup(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
If you copy and paste the code and the images in a new Sketch and run it through the Processing IDE, however, it works fine.
See (PC):
See (Mac):
Assignment #3
Project #2
Part 2 - Drawing Tool Applet
Part 1 - Simple Drawing Tool
I will be building a basic editor that will allow the user to draw on the screen. It will be able to draw simple lines and points, as well as basic shapes such as circles, squares and triangles. The user will also be able to colour these shapes at will. Finally, the user will have the ability to delete through the use of an eraser.