Kristin Carlson

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Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Assignment 6


Project 1: Time in Bubbles

Project 2: Drawing Tool

Proposal: Create a basic sketching tool that uses key strokes to create a shape and mouse information to scale and move the shapes. Each key stroke will create a new shape and can be moved to a new location by dragging the mouse from the center of the shape and scaled by dragging the mouse from the edge of the shape. Color can be changed by a mouse click.

Final Project

Part 1: Proposal

I would like to design a program that generates anatomical shapes for choreographic design. An avatar is positioned by randomly arranging joints within realistic parameters to help create new movement options for the choreographer that can't get out of the rut of habit. The user can restrict the range of movement of each general joint and will hopefully be able to save each full-body position and then 'play' them sequentially to see the flow of movement. Initial movement will be restricted to shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints with the possibility of adding spinal movement if I can get everything to work well as a whole. A long term goal would include control of timing, use of spinal movement to invert motion and 3D or illusion of 3D motion. The only library I should need is ControlP5 and will animate the bezier curve avatar designed by Greg Corness.

Here is a copy of my final paper: