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Final Project Part 2

Draft 5

Draft 3: DEC 8

Draft 2: DEC 1

codeDraft1: starting point Nov24

Final Project Part I

Final Project Proposal

Assignment 4

A4-01: A4_GalaxyDraw_v2 Project 2 with added interface library

Assignment 3

A3-01_ver3: A3-01_ver3 NEW: RGB finder for mosaic, with read-out

A3-01_ver2: A3-01_ver2 UPDATED: RGB finder for mosaic assignment

A3-01: A3-01 DRAFT: Subclass of PImage that implements a mosaic method.

A3-02: A3-02 Write a small app that demonstrates kinetic text.

Project 2 Part II

due October 20, 2008

This is a new project. I will keep what I learned in Part I on text manipulation and object-moving for future use, but I wanted to concentrate on the drawing aspect of the assignment which I initially overlooked.

Galaxy Draw

Project 2 Part I

due October 8, 2008

THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The contemporary computer scene is dominated by the graphical user interface (GUI). For almost every task, from manipulating text, imagery, sound, video, to configuring a computer's operating system (e.g. control panels), from searching for and organizing information (e.g. the web), to the process of programming (e.g. integrated development environments), there are special purpose GUI tools supporting the task through analogies to embodied interaction with physical objects. But no tool is neutral; every tool bears the marks of the historical process of its creation, literally encoding the biases and viewpoints of its creators, offering affordances for some interactions while making other interactions difficult or impossible to perform or even conceive. While the ability to program does not bring absolute freedom (you can never step outside of culture, and of course programming languages are themselves tools embedded in culture), it does open up a region of free play, allowing the artist to encode his/her own biases and viewpoint. What graphical tools would you create? Create your own drawing tool, emphasizing algorithmic generation/modification/manipulation. Explore the balance of control between the tool and the person using the tool. The tool should do something different when moving vs. dragging (moving with the mouse button down). The code for your tool should use at least one class.

Magnet Board Prototype

I will make a prototype of a collaborative sorting tool. Magnet Board is an affinity interface that facilitates sorting of elements and allows objects to pick up attributes from other objects (like colour). It will also allow text object to be two different sizes. The objects can either be text or images.

I would need to learn how to use fonts, how to generate a new object from a button click, how to move objects around the screen by dragging and dropping, how to do an attribute swap based on physical overlapping of the objects (collision detection?) how to insert images, how to make two size option buttons available on each object. A little bit scary, but I would be happy just demonstrating the attribute swap and dragging and dropping sort capacity.

non-class "test in class"

Assignment 2

due October 6th, 2008

A2-01: Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with five or more vertices.

A2-02: Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with ten or more vertices.

A2-03: Create an image different from A2-02, but using the same vertex data.

A2-04: Write a function with one parameter and demonstrate it visually.

A2-05: Write a function for drawing triangles and visually demonstrate its flexibility.

A2-06: Write a function with three or more parameters and visually demonstrate its flexibility.

A2-07: Create a dynamic animation using the cos() function as a generator for motion.

[A2-08: Create a dynamic animation using the cos() and sin() function as a generator for motion.

A2-09: Move two visual elements across the screen using the random() function as a generator of movement. Give each element a unique nonlinear motion.

[A2-10: Create an event that begins when the mouse is pressed and ends when the mouse is released.

A2-11: Create a responsive image that behaves differently when the mouse is moving and the mouse is dragging.

A2-12: Create a button that changes the color of the background when it is clicked.

A2-13: Program your moving elements from A2-09 but use classes to represent the two visual elements.

A2-14: /*A2-14 Create a subclass of one of the asteroids classes that adds a new capability. Some examples of what you could do: create a subclass of Rocket (or ArmedRocket) that shoots flame when the thrusters are fired .

Project 1

due September 24, 2008

P1: Mathematical time vs. celestial time -- Finished!

Assignment 1

due September 12th, 2008

A1-01: Draw three lines.

A1-02: Draw five lines.

A1-03: Draw three ellipses.

A1-04: Control the position of two lines with one variable.

A1-05: Control the position and size of two lines with two variables.

A1-06: Control the properties of two shapes with two variables.

A1-07: Create a simple, regular pattern with six lines.

A1-08: Program your pattern from Assignment 1-07 using while().

A1-09: Draw a layered form with two new loops.

A1-10: Redo Assignment 1-05 using mouseX and mouseY as the variables.

A1-11: Draw two visual elements that each move in relation to the mouse in a different way.

A1-12: Draw two visual elements that each move in relation to the mouse in a different way.

A1-13: Move a visual element across the screen. When it disappears off the edge, move it back into the frame.

A1-14: Draw a visual element that moves in relation to the mouse, but with a different relation when the mouse is pressed.

A1-15: Using if and else, make the mouse perform different actions when in different parts of the window.

A1-16: Develop a kinetic image which responds to the mouse.