Serena Hillman

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Assignment #1

Project #1

Assignment #2

  • Assignment #2-01 Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with five or more vertices.
  • Assignment #2-02 Using beginShape() and endShape(), create a composition with ten or more vertices.
  • Assignment #2-03 Create an image different from A2-02, but using the same vertex data.
  • Assignment #2-04 Write a function with one parameter and demonstrate it visually.
  • Assignment #2-05 Write a function for drawing triangles and visually demonstrate its flexibility.
  • Assignment #2-06 Write a function with three or more parameters and visually demonstrate its flexibility.
  • Assignment #2-07 Create a dynamic animation using the cos() function as a generator for motion.
  • Assignment #2-08 Create a dynamic animation using the cos() and sin() function as a generator for motion.
  • Assignment #2-09 Move two visual elements across the screen using the random() function as a generator of movement. Give each element a unique nonlinear motion.
  • Assignment #2-10 Create an event that begins when the mouse is pressed and ends when the mouse is released.
  • Assignment #2-11 Create a responsive image that behaves differently when the mouse is moving and the mouse is dragging.
  • Assignment #2-12 Create a button that changes the color of the background when it is clicked.
  • Assignment #2-13 Program your moving elements from A2-09 but use classes to represent the two visual elements.
  • Assignment #2-14 Create a subclass of one of the asteroids classes that adds a new capability. Some examples of what you could do: create a subclass of Rocket (or ArmedRocket) that shoots flame when the thrusters are fired and/or plays a sound when thrusters are fired, create a subclass of Asteroid that know when it's been hit (instead of doing this test in loop()), create a subclass of Asteroid that splits into two smaller Asteroids when it's hit.

Project #2

Part 1: Describe in a paragraph what your editor will accomplish by the due date. Due: Tuesday, October 13. If the Prof thinks it is too much or too little, we will rapidly negotiate a level of work that is appropriate to your current skills.

I will build a picture manipulation tool. This tool will let users apply different filters to a picture. It will also allow them to change the saturation and tint levels.

Part 2: Project #2

Assignment #3

Part #1 Create a subclass of PImage that implements a mosaic( int blockSize ) method. The blockSize parameter specifies how big the mosaic block is (e.g. blockSize = 4 would mean the mosaic block size is 4 pixels by 4 pixels). The mosaic method should replace each block of pixels in the image (e.g. if blockSize = 4, each block of 4 by 4 pixels) with the average color value of the pixels in that block. Look at the Pixelate->Mosaic filter in photoshop for an example of what this image operation does. Demonstrate your new class by drawing an image with several different block sizes.

Part #2 Write a small app that demonstrates kinetic text. Your app should allow the user to type something and move the text around in some way while they type. For example, the user might type text on a line, but slowly the words or letters start drifting apart, or perhaps the line starts bending, or the words and letters flutter to the bottom of the screen, etc. Of course you shouldn't exactly copy any of the typographic in Processing or that you find on the web (though using such examples for inspiration, as a place to start modifying code, etc. is fine).

Assignment #4

Assignment #4 The assignment is to take your Project 2 and add controls that enable the user to make a setting and use that setting while drawing.

Final Project

Applet In this project, you will build something of interest to you using the Processing system. The project consists of two parts, with weekly status updates until classes end.

Paper - A significant part of this project is a paper you will write describing the work you have done, plus any technical details you think might be unique and interesting to the reader. The paper will outline the intellectual ideas supporting the work, the technical points of the work, and an analysis of how the work relates to the field. The paper should be 4 pages, single spaced, double column.

Final Paper

Final Project