Assignment 2 Fall 2008

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Assignment 2 Submissions

Andrew H (ah) (If you ever want an explanation of any of the code, just ask)

Wendy Foster

Johnny Rodgers


Hon Lam

Jeremy Turner

Parjad Sharifi


Matt Martell


Min Soo Kim


Veronika Tzankova

Penny Leong

Carolyn Rush

Allen Bevans

Leah Emmott

Liz Cairns


Wendy, the sine/cos cubes were too cool. (ah)

Yeah...holy smokes Wendy! All of your work is really impressive. Nice job. - Johnny

I agree - good job, Wendy! - Kim

Hey, thanks so much. W.

I concur - make that a fourth vote for Wendy awesomeness. - Shannon

5th vote here - you got sum dang scary coding skillz girl! (mm-Hmm!) - Allen