Assignment 2 Fall 2008

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Revision as of 12:07, 6 October 2008 by PLeong (talk | contribs)
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Assignment 2 Submissions

Andrew H (ah) (If you ever want an explanation of any of the code, just ask)

Wendy Foster

Johnny Rodgers


Jeremy Turner (I am still working on #13 & 14.)

Parjad Sharifi


Matt Martell


Min Soo Kim


Veronika Tzankova

Leong (Somehow Assign 1 - 3 doesn't appear in the app don't know why?)


Wendy, the sine/cos cubes were too cool. (ah)

Yeah...holy smokes Wendy! All of your work is really impressive. Nice job. - Johnny

I agree - good job, Wendy! - Kim

Hey, thanks so much. W.

I concur - make that a fourth vote for Wendy awesomeness. - Shannon